
Nabagram * Murshidabad * West Bengal * Phone: 9907464847

E-Mail: [email protected]

Vision & Mission

'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' The seeds of this institution was implanted in the minds of those local people of Nabagram who believed in the tremendous impact of Education in transformation and progress of society. Inspired by such noble vision Nabagram Education Society was formed whose aim was to take all necessary steps to form a Govt. aided College that would provide quality and affordable higher Education to the people of the entire block. Sri Amar Chand Kundu , a famous Social worker and an eminent educationist also came forward and shared the vision of the common people. The collective effort of all such noble hearted people was rewarded when the institution was established in 2009 under the Govt. order no. 375-Edn(C.S)/4C-11/09 dated 01/07/2009 by the Higher Department Education of West Bengal.Since then it has taken giant steps towards revolutionizing the academic atmosphere of the entire block. Assisted by a group of highly educated and motivated faculty pool and devoted non teaching-staff the college has been in continuous pursuit of the following mission:

▀ To provide access to Higher Education to a wider community of students
▀ To ensure free, secular and democratic environment in which students from all sections can exchange their views and build themselves as responsible citizens of the country
▀ To provide value based education that would instill among the students a deep sense of social responsibility.